The Ladies
Links Aina|Auni |Hajar|Mielin |Aryna|Dania |Niesya|Miyyo Credits Layout designed by Hanna Original layout by Yani Lavigne Images from XX Hosted by Blogger Youtube and photobucket
woot ^^
Friday, August 20, 2010 >>8:25 AM
salam . currently , ashra is having problems . eh jap , bukan ashra . it just hajar ngan dayah . * dayah bukan ashra tau ! oke , kiteorg kat sini just nak ckp : for those yg tak brape nak puas hati ngan kiteorg . tak payah nak gune taktik kotor , just face to face ngan kiteorg and tell what's the prob is . nie tak , nak ckp gune surat pulak tuu . bhaii , surat2 tuu style zaman opah kau mude2 dulu . yup , maybe korg ingat korg buwat tuu just for fun , bg kiteorg tak lahh weyh !